improving QUALITY OF LIFE,
knowledge, SKILLS, Healing AND HOPE!
Specific disease associations, medical clinics, wellness clinics, holistic clinics and non-profit groups all run various types of support groups. Some are free and some are a fee for service. Some groups meet face to face while others are internet based.
Here on this page I will focus on peer support. Peer support is when people with the same condition get together regularly to talk about their condition. They share: ideas; real examples of what has worked for them and what has not worked for them; resources in the community that others in the group may not know about; tips on transportation; tax credits; home care services; and a wide variety of things they need in order to live well with their condition. It is not a place to bash medical professionals or indulge in a nonstop pity party. It is a safe place to learn, grow and cope better with your situation. It is a give and take. You have to contribute your successes and failures, remissions, changes in symptoms, happy experiences, what brings you peace, etc. You get support and you have to give support. That is what peer support is, sharing with other people experiencing the same disease or illness with each of you contributing what is working for your from your own unique experience of living with it.
Many years ago, Bernie Siegel MD in his book "Peace, Love and Healing Bodymind Communication and the Path to Self Healing: An Exploration" ISBN 978-0060917050, detailed the importance of taking care of all parts of yourself including your mind and spirit.
Research has repeatedly shown that people who participate in well facilitated peer support groups live a better quality of life than those that do not. It does not mean that your disease goes away, however, you learn tools to use every day to take both the physical burdens and the stressors to a lower level that you can tolerate.
Free will and free choice in how you are going to react to symptoms, pain, fatigue and people are something you have control of in every moment of every day. You are the one who has to be in charge of your wellness, physical and psychological health. It is not your doctor's job or your family's job. Your life is your responsibility, and your joy. The choice to enjoy your life is yours. You mourn the losses, educate yourself, accept your reality and choose to live well even though you have a chronic illness.
My hope for you is that you make a healthy choice today to be the best that you can be!