improving QUALITY OF LIFE,
knowledge, SKILLS, Healing AND HOPE!
Book Reviews
Healthy at 100, How You Can – at any age – Dramatically Increase Your Life Span and Your Health Span by John Robbins, 2006, ISBN 978-0-345-49011-7
What It’s About
It inspires me from the first page right through to the end. I was so impressed that I went out and bought more as presents for dear friends. The book is about learning how to live more healthy and compassionate lives regardless of where we are starting at right now, today, in this moment.
The book is divided into parts: The World’s Healthiest and Longest-Lived Peoples; Our Food, Our Lives; The Body-Mind Connection; Why Your Love Matters; and The Human Spirit. He provides a three page summary of steps you can take, a resource guide and a lengthy footnote section so you can pursue the research and other materials quoted.
How It Applies To You
In our North American culture, Canada in particular, there is inadequate education in our schools and society on research based nutrition and its effects on our health and diseases. We are bombarded with advertising from manufacturers and marketing boards, even in the recommendations promoted by Health Canada and several specific disease groups. For each of use to do this amount of research on our own would be impossible due to the time it would take. I suggest everyone read this book and then decide for yourself what changes you may want to make in your own diet and lifestyle, and also what holistic nutrition courses or further reading may help you to make informed choices that will affect the rest of your life. You have choices about what you eat and how you live!
©2013 Cathy Ferren
Natural Baby - Healthy Child by Dr. Murray Clarke ND DHom LAc, ISBN 978-1-935953-05-50
What It’s About
This book is about natural healing, remedies and alternative health care solutions from pre-conception throughout childhood. We have seen a global epidemic in children suffering from poor health and chronic diseases with contributing factors such as our polluted environment, unhealthy foods and diet, sedentary lifestyle, misguided western allopathic or pharmaceutical treatments and unfortunately sometimes neglect or abuse.
There are chapters on dietary problems and solutions, food allergies and gluten sensitivity, environmental problems and solutions, choosing the right medical care for your child, vaccinations-facts/fears/fallacies, optimal health at different stages, the future and each appendix has information that you can use right now. The information is presented with scientific details in an easy to understand language that we as parents can understand and use to make informed decisions. It provides ways to formulate better questions to ask your child’s GP or pediatrician by giving us a better insight into how our child’s body works and reacts to infections, poor diets, stress and invaders like bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites.
How It Applies To Your Child
It is always hard for me to watch my child suffer with either physical symptoms or psychological issues. If I could go back in time, I would have liked someone to let me know about this book when my son was younger so I could have done even more for him.
This book gives you practical things you can do in feeding your child and ideas on supplements and other treatments with dosages suggested for different ages and weights. These are great ideas to ask your child’s doctor about.
If you could reduce your child’s inflammation and therefore reduce his/her pain, help them deal with nausea or other side effects from their lupus medications, help your child absorb nutrients better by assisting their digestive tract to heal from sensitivity/irritation/inflammation, would you not do it? This book is a great way to become a more informed parent concerning your child’s health and wellness giving you tools to keep them as healthy as possible and live better with lupus
©2013 Cathy Ferren